Group Concept Mapping Books

Mary Kane (President and Principal Consultant, Concept Systems, Inc.) is the first author of the authoritative text on Group Concept Mapping, Concept Mapping for Planning and Evaluation. Mary partnered with Scott Rosas (Director of Research and Evaluation, Concept Systems, Inc.) to create an exciting expansion of GCM’s story in a second volume, Conversations about Group Concept Mapping: Applications, Examples and Enhancements. Both of these works are available through various locations as well as with the publisher, Sage Publications, listed below.

Groups Concept Mapping Texts:

  • Kane, M., Trochim, W., Trochim, W., & Sage Publications. (2007). Concept Mapping for Planning and Evaluation. SAGE Publications.
  • Kane, M. A., & Rosas, S. R. (2017). Conversations About Group Concept Mapping: Applications, Examples, and Enhancements(1st ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc.

Conversations About Group Concept Mapping: Applications, Examples, Enhancements

Conversations About Group Concept Mapping: Applications, Examples, and Enhancements, by Mary Kane and Scott Rosas, takes a concise, practice-based approach to GCM. After defining the method, demonstrating how to design a project, and providing guidelines to analyze the results, this book then dives into real research exemplars. Conversations with the researchers are based on in depth interviews that connected method, practice, and results.

Amazon Sage Publishing

Concept Mapping for Planning and Evaluation (Applied Social Research Methods)

Concept Mapping for Planning and Evaluation, by Mary Kane and William M. K. Trochim, is a thorough, accessible guide to Group Concept Mapping for social or organizational researchers in any context.

Amazon Sage Publishing

개념도 연구방법론

계획에서부터 평가에 이르기까지


개념도 연구방법은 좁게는 특정한 소수자의 의견을 모아 집단의 요구를 파악해 필요한 프로그램을 개발하고 평가하는 것에서부터넓게는 서로 다른 생각을 가진 다양한 사람의 합의된 지성을 모으는 데 이르기까지 적용 범위가 상당히 넓다이 책은 개념도 프로젝트의 계획 및 실행을 위한 기술적 기 초와 분석그리고 결과 해석을 위한 핵심적인 내용에 대해 안내한다.

저자 Mary Kane, William M. K. Trochim
역자 최윤정, 김지연, 이혜은


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