UCF Episodic Memory Project


The definition of “episodic memory” is provided below for your reference.

Episodic memory is described as the memory system in charge of the encoding, storage, and retrieval of personally experienced events. This is in contrast to semantic memory, which refers to the capacity for recollecting general knowledge and facts about the world.  Episodic memory is associated with personally relevant spatial and temporal context of encoding what you experienced.  Further, it is an important element of social cognition, helping us to catalog and remember prior interactions with others.  It allows for recollection of happenings and events from one’s personal past and the mental projection of anticipated events into one’s subjective future.

For purposes of this project, they include the use of episodic memory to support cognitive processes such as reasoning, decision making, problem solving, and/or planning.

Please keep this tab open so that you can refer to the definitions during the Brainstroming process. 

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