groupwisdom™ Raw Data Rating

How do I view Rating raw data in groupwisdom™?

You can view Rating raw data at the bottom of the Reports page of groupwisdom™ in the Raw Data section.

There are two options you can choose from:

  • Participant rating report: Shows rating data by participant for each scale they were assigned to. Participants can be edited in a similar fashion to the Raw Participant Question and Raw Sorting Reports.
  • Raw rating report: Shows a matrix of statement rating data. Participant Question data can also be appended to this report.

Either of these reports can be exported. See the information below for steps or view the video tutorial.

Participant Rating Report

The Participant Rating Report is helpful for a quick overview of participant rating data, instead of trying to use the Review Data screen and toggle through participants.

This report can be exported as a CSV or Word document using the 3-dot menu at the top of the screen.

This report’s default is to show responses for All Ratings Questions from All Participants in the project with any Data status.  However, a Project Administrator can export data specific to:

  • A rating question: The drop down menu will show all scales created.
  • Participants: Based on Username type (Anonymous, Identifier, Email).
  • Data status: Assigned, Started, Completed, Invited, Approved, or Rejected.

The Project Administrator can also toggle on or off whether the report Show unrated statements.

To reset to show all the default of participants possible, use the Reset Filters option.

Each participant’s rating data will show under their Username by the rating scales they were assigned to.

A participant’s data can be minimized using the carrot icon to the right of their Username 

Raw Rating Report

The Raw Rating Report is helpful if you are looking to develop additional figures or analyses based on the ratings data collected.  It will always show all ratings collected, not just those approved.  You will manually need to edit the export to remove rejected or data which was not approved, if you wish to do so. 

This report can only be exported as a CSV using the 3-dot menu at the top of the screen.

Each Rating Question appears as a tab at the top of the screen.

A description of the rating scale (Radio Buttons or Numeric and Min/Max) is provided.  On the same line, if Show demographics is enabled (check the box) then the participants’ responses to the Participant Questions will be appended to the far right which may not be immediately visible.

The statements are the X axis (horizontal). The participants are the Y axis (vertical).

The Rating Summary information can be opened in order to view a description of the rating data including:

  • Frequency of each value selection (depending on likert scale defined)
  • Count of rating responses to that statement
  • Minimum rating
  • Maximum rating
  • Mean rating
  • Median rating for each statement
  • Mode for each statement
  • Variance
  • Deviation
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