Reports – Raw Data Sorting
For more information on Interpreting the Maps and reports based on those maps, read chapter 6 of Concept Mapping for Planning and Evaluation.
The Raw Sorting Report may be useful in several situations. Two examples include:
Quick Overview: If you want to have a quick browse of all approved sorts or all rejected sorts, this report can help you see that information all in once place.
Cluster Solution Determination: When trying to determine why a specific statement is in a certain cluster, Project Administrators can use the Raw Sorting Report in addition to the Similarity Matrix Report and the Bridging and Spanning analyses available in the Cluster Map View Details options to help them better understand how that statement was understood and sorted by participants.
The Raw Sorting Report can be exported using the 3-dot menu on the top right of the screen. It can export to Word or CSV.
- Click Reports on the left navigation menu.
- Click the Sorting report at the bottom in the Raw Data section.
- Press the 3 horizontal dots on the top right of the report page.
- Select the Download report as CSV or Word options.
The Raw Sorting Report‘s default shows sort data for all participants who started or completed sorting. The drop-down menus allow you to view participant sort data by
- Participant identifier type (Anonymous, Email or Identifier).
- Sorting data Status (Invited, Started, Completed, Approved, Rejected).
These can be reset to the default using the Reset Filters option.
You can also view statements participants did not sort by checking the box Show Unsorted.