groupwisdom™ Go-Zones

How do I create and view a Go-Zone in groupwisdom™?

You can generate Go-Zones in the Reports page of groupwisdom™ after approving sorting and rating data, creating a scenario, and creating a cluster map. See the Create a new Go-Zone section below for detailed steps or view the video tutorial.

Overview – Reports – Go-Zone:

For more information on Interpreting the Maps and reports based on those maps, read chapter 6 of Concept Mapping for Planning and Evaluation.

Go-Zones are bi-variate graphs of statement values for two rating variables within a cluster.  The Go-Zone is divided into quadrants above and below the mean of each variable for that cluster.  These mean lines change for each cluster, creating zones that help to determine the items to focus on when using the results to accomplish the goal at hand.

If you only created 1 rating scale, the Go-Zone can compare the responses from 2 participant subgroups on that scale, using the responses to a single choice participant question, for example “Managers to Staff.”

If you have 2 rating scales, the Go-Zone can compare the responses to 2 rating questions, for example “Importance to Current Presence.”

The r value at the top of the figure is a Pearson Product Moment Correlation.

Create a new Go-Zone:

  1. Select Reports  from the main administrator menu on the left.
  2. On the Reports screen, select the button on the top right NEW REPORT.
  3. On the pop-up window, select the first option provided, GO-ZONE. Once highlighted blue, select the CONTINUE button.
  4. Enter a Name for your Go-Zone, usually a title is the cluster title and which rating scales, for example “Education Imp to CP.”  This is so you can easily find it again later in your list.
  5. Select scenario which will default select the cluster solution you chose for your Cluster Map.
  6. Next select a cluster.
    • There is an option for all clusters, which can be used a reference but will not use the same mean lines as the cluster maps.  Therefore, while the X/Y coordinates of average rating will be the same, it may not be located in the same zone on the all clusters map as it is in the cluster map.
  7. Next configure the X axis (horizontal) and Y axis (vertical) using the Rating Question and participants you would like to compare.
    • The axis name will automatically pull from the rating question selected.  If you filter participants using a participant question you will need to manually edit the axis name.
  8. Once all required fields have been selected, the CREATE button at the bottom of the screen will be blue. Select this button to create the Go-Zone.  *If the button is grey, scroll up to find the field that has not been completed yet. 

Edit Go-Zone details:

To edit these details after the Go-Zone has been created, return to the main Reports screen.

  1. Find the Go-zone by scenario and the name you previously provided.
  2. Select the 3-dot menu to the right of the name.
  3. Select Edit Report (the other option here is to Delete Report and create another).
  4. The screen used to create the Go-Zone will appear and you can make edits as needed and then select the SAVE button at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Your edited Go-Zone will open.

Alter the view of a Go-Zone:

If you select EDIT MAP in the top right, you will be able to edit the text size. The default setting is small, and you can choose medium or large.  Select SAVE CHANGES to save this text size.

If you select the  View button, a drop-down menu will appear:

  1. Point’s cluster color: This will make all points the color of the cluster from your Cluster Map.  Default is off with grey points.
  2. Monochrome version: If you need the Go-Zone without background colors for a publication, you can toggle on this switch which will make the Go-Zone background white.
  3. Rotate Y axis label: If you are short on space for your presentation or report, the Y axis label can be rotated to run parallel to the Y axis.
  4. Sample size: When toggled on, n = # will appear and show the number of participants’ ratings used to develop the average rating for each axis.
  5. X/Y averages: The X/Y rating averages used to plot each item in the go-zone and determine the mean for that cluster are shown.
  6. Bold dividers: This is the only item that is default on. This makes the mean lines bold.

Use the Detail button to view the details of each quadrant.

Export a Go-Zone:

There are a variety of options for export of the Go-Zone figure and its data.

  1. Export map as…:
    • JPG, PNG, Vector images, and PDF & Word documents: These exports will export only the picture of the Go-Zone as it currently appears on the screen.
    • PowerPoint document: This export will export both the Go-Zone and the statements it contains in text-boxes that match the quadrant color.
    • CSV file: Exports into columns the reference number (Point), the text of that statement, and the X Y plot coordinates (not the rating average).
  2. Export Summary as…:
    • PDF, Word, and CSV export the Go-Zone in a tabular format instead of a graphic format with rating averages.
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