Group Concept Mapping Publications Spotlight Winter
We applaud the great work being done by our clients and we are so proud to be part of it. This month we are highlighting these recent Group Concept Mapping publications authored by our clients.
Winter 2021
Congratulations authors!
Dare, L., Nowicki, E. A., Murray, L. L. (2021). How students conceptualize grade‐based acceleration in inclusive settings. Psychology in the Schools, 58(1), 33-50. 33– 50.
Johnson, S.,Van Hoye, A., Donaldson, A., Lemonnier, F., Rostan, F. & Vuillemin, A. (2020). Building health-promoting sports clubs: a participative concept mapping approach. Public Health, 188, 8-17.
Donohue-Dioh, J., Otis, M., Miller, J. “J., Sossou, M.-A., dela Torres, C., & Lawson, T. (2020). Survivors’ conceptualizations of human trafficking prevention; An exploratory study. Evaluation and Program Planning, 83, 101873. 873
McMahon, S., Burnham, J. & Banyard, V.L. (2020). Bystander Intervention as a Prevention Strategy for Campus Sexual Violence: Perceptions of Historically Minoritized College Students. Prevention Science, 21, 795–806.
Felx, A., Kane, M., Corbière, M., & Lesage, A. (2020). Using Group Concept Mapping to Develop a Conceptual Model of Housing and Community-Based Residential Settings for Adults With Severe Mental Illness. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 430.
Urbanoski, K., Pauly, B., Inglis, D., Cameron, F., Haddad, T., Phillips, J., Phillips, P., Rosen, C., Schlotter, G., Hartney, E. & Wallace, B. (2020). Defining culturally safe primary care for people who use substances: a participatory concept mapping study. BMC Health Services Research, 20, 1060.
If you’ve published in the last few months and haven’t seen your publication highlighted, please get in touch with us. We want to share your work with others and learn from it ourselves. Thank you to all the authors who have provided us with publications.
Interested in learning more about Group Concept Mapping? Visit our Bibliographies page for additional Group Concept Mapping publications arranged by topic.
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