Group Concept Mapping Publications Spotlight July 2024
We are pleased to be part of the great work our clients are doing. This month we are highlighting these recent Group Concept Mapping publications authored by our clients.
July 24
Congratulations authors!
Concept Mapping STI/HIV Prevention and Condom Use among Young African American Adults
Carmack, C., Nganga, S., Ahmed, E., & Coleman, T. (2024). Concept mapping STI/HIV prevention and condom use among young African American adults. Behavioral Sciences, 14(6), 501.
Supporting Self-Determination of Individuals with Severe or Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities According to Relatives and Healthcare Professionals: A Concept Mapping Study
Kúld, P. B., Frielink, N., Schuengel, C., & Embregts, P. J. (2024). Supporting self‐determination of individuals with severe or profound intellectual and multiple disabilities according to relatives and healthcare professionals: A concept mapping study. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 37(4).
Ensuring a Sustainable and Healthy Primary school of the Future: Finding Answers through Group Concept Mapping
Conjaerts, M., Stoyanov, S., Edelman, E., Kirschner, P., & de Groot, R. (2024). Ensuring a sustainable and Healthy Primary School of the future: Finding answers through group concept mapping. Health Education Journal.
Exploring Loneliness among Korean Adults: A Concept Mapping Approach
An, S.-J., & Seo, Y.-S. (2024). Exploring loneliness among Korean adults: A concept mapping approach. Behavioral Sciences, 14(6), 492.
Concept Mapping to Define Components for an Occupation-Based Intervention for Parkinson’s Disease and Anxiety
Lovegrove, C. J., Sturkenboom, I. H. W. M., Marsden, J., & Bannigan, K. (2024). Concept mapping to define components for an occupation-based intervention for parkinson’s disease and anxiety. Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, 14(1), 181–195.